Saturday, November 28, 2015

Picture your idea of the 50's: fathers working outside the home, mom's cooking meals and teaching children. It's a lot different in society today. Increasing numbers of households have both spouses bringing home the bacon. Standards for life are different and with increasing costs comes an increasing amount of people who need to work. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if a woman gets married, and has kids. She may still expect to work. Some people say this is modern and intelligent. Some claim it is neglecting the roles a woman should rightly fulfill. What's the right answer?
No one can place such judgment on the working lifestyle of another. Each family unit has different challenges, and needs. For one family it may be helpful (financially, emotionally, intellectually) for the mother to hold a part time job. For another, the woman may be more economically stable, emotionally fit, and intellectually challenged by raising a family at home. The key is that both spouses agree on what their goal is, and how to maintain it. Unity. 

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